
The HIRS Collective

The HIRS Collective - 'We're Still Here'

First Pressing Info:

Clear w/ Pink Splatter + Flexi: Limited to 500
Blue w/ Black Center: Limited to 500  
Baby Pink: 500 (retail only)
Cassettes: Limited to 150 SOLD OUT

The HIRS Collective rely on an ethos of de-individualization. It is their strength, and their love. Through co-opting the anarchist phrase “No Gods. No cops. No masters,” as a ‘fuck you’ to the disingenuity of too much art and life of the capitalist world at large, the group introduced themselves as humanly as possible. Yes, there are individuals who make up this band/Collective/organization. Yes, the politics are in play, which a listener might likely expect from a group that comes from the leftist punk rock world that boasts community, acceptance, and radicalism. However, these are the foundations the HIRS Collective itself. As such, the Collective watched these community virtues and ideologies change through overuse and abuse and holds to them more tightly because of it.

“Those words still have meaning, but they have no weight. They have no power. Everyone has softened the blow of those words.”

After thrice releasing 100-song albums and countless splits and collaborative records, the HIRS Collectivehad already begun to realize their next frontier through 2020’s highly collaborative Friends. Lovers. Favorites. Since then, the band has doubled-down on prioritizing the love of creation over the expansion of an artist’s public identity, and through the act of expansive collaboration, the HIRS Collective brings We’re Still Here, an immersive album featuring over 35 musicians and vocalists across 17 tracks. The name of the game is world expansion, cultivating true senses of community, and making sure that an idea can never die because it will have spread beyond the mind and powers of any single person. Once you work with the Collective, you are the Collective.

“We always want to go the pessimistic route and be like ‘We’re only here out of spite’ but really, we are spite. And we’re going to do the work and to be as happy as possible for as long as we can. We're here to say ‘Fuck you, what we want to do is go on tour with our friends and hang out with them. We want to have all the positive, wild experiences. We want to contribute to the actual community of people around us. We want to connect with everyone who comes into our world.”

Completely self-produced (like always) and completely self-managed (the Collective is also a driving force behind Get Better Records,who are handling the release) the HIRS Collective’s We’re Still Hereis a statement of bravery and irascible resilience that will be one of their many entries into an already unmatched career whose influence has already started to affect young musicians the nation and world over. The HIRS Collectiveknows its strength and is meeting the realization of its power with measured intention.

“We don’t think we can destroy every single negative structure, but we can dismantle them within ourselves. And if we have the chance to destroy it, let’s fucking go. But we aren’t going to be given any power from anyone else and have to take it for ourselves.” - bio by Pierce Jordan 


01. We’re Still Here [ft. Shirley Manson and AC Sapphire]

02. Sweet Like Candy [ft. No Man, Thou and Jessica Joy Mills]

03. Burn Your House Down [ft. Jessica G.Z. and Gouge Away]

04. N.O. S.I.R. [ft. Justin Pearson and Nevada Nieves]

05. Waste Not Want Not [ft. Soul Glo and Escuela Grind]

06. Public Service Announcement [ft. Dan Yemin and Dark Thoughts]

07. Judgement Night [ft. Ghösh and Jessica Joy Mills]

08. Trust the Process [ft. Frank Iero and Rosie Richeson]

09. XOXOXOXOXOX [ft. Melt-Banana]

10. You Are Not Alone [ft. Lora Mathis and The Body]

11. Apoptosis and Proliferation [ft. Nate Newton and Full of Hell]

12. So, Anyway… [ft. Geoff Rickley and Kayla Phillips]

13. A Different Kind of Bed Death [ft. Anthony Green and Pain Chain]

14. Neila Forever [ft. Jeremy Bolm and Jordan Dreyer]

15. Last King Meets Last Priest [ft. Chris #2 and Derek Zanetti]

16. Unicorn Tapestry Woven in Fire [ft. Marissa Paternoster, Damian Abraham and Pinkwash]

17. Bringing Light and Replenishments [ft. The Punk Cellist and Sunrot]